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Anderson Trust


THE Anderson Trust was established in 1980 on the death of Miss A.T.Anderson MBE to manage her bequest to the town of her private collection of paintings. Annie Templeton Anderson (1889-1980), known to all as Nance, was born and lived all her life in Helensburgh where her father had been Provost. The original collection comprised 34 paintings, all of which are associated with the area, either by artist or subject matter. Thanks to generous gifts of works from private donors, and some new purchases, the collection is continues to grow. In 1998 the Anderson Collection was given a permanent home in the new Helensburgh Library, in West King Street, and, with the co-operation of Argyll & Bute Library and Museum Services, the Trust is able to display a selection of paintings from the Collection, for six months every year, in the Upper Gallery of the Library.
16 files, last one added on Feb 04, 2023 Album viewed 2242 times

2,190 files in 23 albums and 2 categories with 0 comments viewed 2,424,985 times |

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