Hermitage School 1st Year Christmas Party 1951653 viewsBack row: Billy Wallace, Pat Grant, ?, Nancy Farrell, ?, ?, ?, ?, Heather Macdonald, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?; 2nd back: Mr Blain, Eleanor Hunter, Duncan Bulloch, ?, Neil Shaw, Joan Stewart, ?, ?, Eric Morrison, Elza Logan, Arthur Payne, ?, Donald Gilchrist, Sheena MacGregor, Eric Bowman, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?; 2nd front: ?, Eva MacKenzie, Duncan MacCallum, Barbara Ward, Jim Williamson, ?, Kenneth Murray, Elinor Strang, Ian McLeod, Ann Moffat, Evan MacGregor, ?, Ken MacLetchie, Sheila MacDonald, Jim MacPherson, Pat Patterson, Donald Maclean, Elaine Dodd, Jimmy Buchanan, Florence Johnson, Jean Hamilton, Mr McWatt; front: ?, ?, ?, Alan Wylie, Sally Osborne, Willie McSporran, Sheila Chisholm, ?, Betty Calder, ?, ?, ?, ?, Tommy MacRae, Josephine Park, Ian Hamilton, ?, Donald Lawrie, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?. Image supplied by Donald Maclean.

Original St Bride's School1180 viewsSt Bride's School at 10 Stafford Street, Helensburgh, a branch of the Girls School Company, was founded in 1895 to provide such an education for girls as would prepare them for the interests and responsibilities of social life, and enable those who desired it to proceed to the wider education of the Universities. Miss Renton was the headmistress at the time of this photograph, probably around 1910. In 1977 it merged with Larchfield School for boys to become Lomond School. The St Bride's building was largely destroyed in an overnight fire in 1997, but was rebuilt to house the senior and top primary pupils.